I made a mindmap of all the different names i could use for my music magazine. I chose these names because they all relate to the genre of the magazine in some way. In the end i think i will use the title 'M', it stands for Mainstream which instantly indicates the genre of the magazine. It is a short and snappy title which will be easily memorable and recognized by the audience.
I downloaded various fonts from DaFont that i think may be suitable for use throughout my magazine, i presented them on a mood board so i can decided which works best. I also chose some brushes that could be effectively used to make sections of the page stand out more to the audience.
I used the fonts do to some tests to see which font looks best for the logo. I think Coolvetica (second from left on top row), Arista (third from left on top row) and Jack Input (third from left on bottom row) work the best.
I also designed a bar code for the magazine using a downloaded font.
Following the generic convention of three palette colour scheme i have put together a few colour designs using a splat brush. From my focal group questionnaire i found that the audience my magazine is aimed at prefer a sophisticated colour scheme, therefore i have chosen black, white and a bright colour. For my magazine i think i will use either blue, purple or red. The colours all connote the bright and lively mood that i want my magazine to express.
Using my preferred font and colour schemes i have developed various logo ideas, they are simple yet attractive to an audience. I like the colour red as it stand out from the page like a stop sign, a bright colour like this is what my magazine needs to be in order for it to get noticed by the reader. I started off using the full name of the magazine but i think it looks more effective with just the single letter, M.