43221 Darlington, Queen Elizabeth

43221 Darlington, Queen Elizabeth

Monday 7 February 2011

Article Planning

My article will be about a new duet band who started out as a independent band on facebook. The article will interview the pair to introduce them to the audience and potentially gain more fans.I will use words that attract and appeal to the reader, such as:
  • cool
  • wicked
  • awesome
 I will also use words that relate the music industry such as:
  • promote
  • produce
  • recording
  • record labels
  • touring
  • instruments
  • album releases
The article title must grab the readers attention and make them want to read the page. I can do this by making the font big, bold and brightly coloured, this will make the article look interesting and fun. Underneath the title will be a quick line using attracting words like, hottest, this makes the reader think the article they are about to read is the best gossip around. The title will be the name of the band, Two-Way, you could say this was a play on words as the band is a double act.The article will start with a 'kicker paragraph' to immediately entertain the reader and encourage them to read on.

Like a newspaper the article will start with the most important content and progress with the less important information, this ensures it does not lose at the start of the article, i will try to keep the content of my article interesting and important the whole way through.

I will highlight key quotes made by the band, to do this i will use a large red font. These quotes will be read by the audience and interest them even more into reading the article.

The ending of the article will sum up the band, i will also include a competition to win tickets and an album. The competition will be based on a multiple choice question relating to the article and can be entered online using the website of the magazine.

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