43221 Darlington, Queen Elizabeth

43221 Darlington, Queen Elizabeth

Thursday 3 February 2011

Recce of Location

Photography studio
I have chosen this location as it will make my photographs look clear and professional. I will do this photoshoot on Wednesday 16th February, Access is not a problem for this location as it is park of the college, however i will need to arrange a time with my models do i know when to book the studio. There are no limitations with the location as it provides me with everything i will need. There are lights to enhance the images to their best quality and i have access to a range of props such as microphones that will make my images look more suited to a music magazine.

Wall, outside of the arts centre
I have chosen this location as the brick wall adds an artistic background that will be aesthetically appealing to the readers of my magazine. It will provide me with an interesting series of photographs that differ from regular pictures taken against a white background. I will use this location during college hours on Tuesday 15th February, weather providing. I have full access to this location as it is part of the college so this does not cause a problem with the use of it. However i may have to come up with a contingency plan if the weather does not satisfy my images.

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