43221 Darlington, Queen Elizabeth

43221 Darlington, Queen Elizabeth

Saturday 19 February 2011

Final Article

I spell checked the article using Microsoft Word before adding it into my magazine draft.




When M magazine were offered the chance to interview Two-Way there was no way we were to turn down the chance of meeting the newest band on the music scene. So there I was, sat in one of the poshest hotels in London waiting on their arrival. They entered the room in a bright and cheery mood and instantly made me feel comfortable with them. First Brad came up to me and greeted me with a hug, then Liam, the shyer one of the pair gave me a warm and welcoming hug. They settled down on the large, comfy sofas of the glamourous hotel and our interview began.





Hi guys, lovely to meet you. How do you think you’ve settled in the new music environment? Is it what you expected it to be like?
Brad: Hi M magazine, it’s great, we love it!
Liam: Yeah, it’s all so surreal; i have to keep pinching myself!
Brad: It’s not how I expected at all, I thought everyone would be really stuck up but they’ve all been so nice to us.

It all happened so fast, first you were the number one band on Facebook, now you’re about to release your first album.
Liam: We started our band in early 2010 and made a Facebook profile connected to YouTube to try and gain some fans.
Brad: And then the next thing we know people are ringing us up to sign us to their labels.
Liam: It was all a blur; I never expected to be in London’s biggest recording studios!

So you’re signed to Calling Records now, how does it feel to be working with one of the best recording labels in the country?
Brad: It was a hard decision on who to sign with, but we’ve definitely made the right choice.
Liam: They help us organize our schedules, which we’re really bad at!
Brad: They treat us like superstars; it’s all too good to be true.

You are kind of superstars now though! What is it like to get recognised in the middle of the street?
Liam: It’s mainly girls; they come running after us shouting our names
Brad: I never realise that it’s us they’re screaming for to be honest, I’m not complaining about the attention though.

Boys will be boys! Tell us about your new album, Back Then, where did you get the inspiration from?
Brad: We write all our own songs, it’s usually based on something true that’s happened to one of us

It’s great to see something original and new on the music scene. How are the production methods different to the ways you used to use as an independent band?
Liam: We did everything from our own homes
Brad: We set up a recording studio in the spare room of my house and it all started from there
Liam: When we recorded the song I’d edit it on a freeware software that came with my computer
Brad: Then we’d upload the track to social networking sites to advertise it, it’s so simple and a great way to get noticed!

Modern technology has definitely come in handy then!
Liam: Yeah, if it wasn’t for the fans that kept on supporting us and paying for our singles I don’t think we’d have been spotted by Calling Records
Brad: And we definitely wouldn’t be here today, that’s for sure.

It just shows how great things like this can happen to almost everybody if you broadcast your talents! When should we be heading down to the shops for the album?
Liam: Back Then is released in the shops on 14th April
Brad: So make sure you’re down there! We’re also launching a UK tour but the dates aren’t confirmed yet.

Cool, we will definitely be there supporting you two! Your music is very unique from others, how do you keep it so original?
Liam: I play the guitar so we try to use that in the songs
Brad: Yeah, it sounds different to all the ‘electrified’ music you hear these days.

Great! Something new and different has definitely proven to be a winner for you then!
Brad; Yeah, totally, I think our fans just like to hear something new and fresh
Liam: It’s always nice to hear something a bit different from the usual stuff the radio’s play
Brad: It’s definitely worked for us, we shall certainly be keeping the originality up!

I’ve had a great day chilling with the boys and I can’t wait to hear their new album, Back Then, you can pick it up in shops after APRIL 14TH, or you can try your chances at winning one AND live concert tickets to see the boys from our website: www.mformainstream.com. You can also check out extra juicy pictures and gossip. Good luck everyone!

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