43221 Darlington, Queen Elizabeth

43221 Darlington, Queen Elizabeth

Friday 11 February 2011

Double Page Spread Shoot

I will use two photographs on my double page spread: one taken on location and one taken in the photography studio. The images will look casual yet appealing to the audience and provide an good text-to-image ratio for the page to ensure the audience does not get bored. I used a guitar as a prop in one of the images to add to the theme of music, however i don't think this image works as the other model looks out of place with no instrument. My models are centrally framed within the image although there is a fair bit of head space at the top of some images so i may crop this out, along with a greater amount of white space to one side of the subject. The models face the camera and have adopted a happy, cheery facial expression to suggest they are please and comfortable within the music industry. There is a direct address with the reader and the model to show that they are regular, down to earth people.

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