43221 Darlington, Queen Elizabeth

43221 Darlington, Queen Elizabeth

Monday 7 February 2011

Hair and Make up

I have looked through various issues of the fashion magazine Look to get an idea of how i want my female model's hair to be like. I like the natural, flowing look of the wavy, tousled hair. It looks simple and effortless but attractive which is key to my audience. The volume in the hair make the model look feisty, this also appeals to the reader of my magazine and forms a narcissistic relationship. The messy up to looks casual and relaxed but also smart and sleek, these hairstyles will influence the personality of the model and my magazine.

I have scanned in some pages from a Victoria Jackson beauty tips booklet i own. These pages describe how to create a natural and clear complexion. The make up will enhance the model's natural beauty, i will use eyeliner to attract more of the attention to the eyes and therefore emphasising the direct address to the audience and 'inviting them to read the magazine'

I followed the tips from the Victoria Jackson beauty book to make my models look naturally made up. I kept the make up simple with bright lips to enhance their femininity, For Ashleigh i straightened bits of her hair and added volume by back combing, as shown in Look magazine, this will stand on the front cover of my magazine. For Steph i straightened all of her hair so she looks relaxed and casual which was my aim for the shoot.

For my male model i used hair gel to style their hair

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