43221 Darlington, Queen Elizabeth

43221 Darlington, Queen Elizabeth

Wednesday 16 February 2011

Front Cover Draft

I followed my flat plan to help me construct the first draft of my front cover: i started by adding the main sell line to the image and a sky line and a header for the other sell lines. 
I built up the sell lines around the image and added a bar code font to the bottom corner.

I added a circular graphic to make more text stand out and the page look more interesting.

The text in the circle is rotated to the left, this also helps it to stand out from all the horizontal text.

I added the logo to the top right hand corner of the page and used the lasso tool to bring the image in front of the box.

I added a final sell line to the right side so it didn't look bare and added important information on the bar code: date, issue, price, website.

Underneath the main sell line i added a brief explanation of the article.

When i make the final cut of my magazine i think i will change the sizing of the logo so the font fills the square better. I will also resize some of the text as it it too large for the page. Also i will change the gap between each line for on the sell line description to make them look more together, i won't do this on the album reviews sell line as the three names should be shown as separate. On the circular banner i will decrease the size of the text, this will increase the emphasis on important words such as 'plus' and 'free'.

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