43221 Darlington, Queen Elizabeth

43221 Darlington, Queen Elizabeth

Friday 11 February 2011

Contents Page Shoot

The photograph on my contents page is more casual than the front cover so it doesn't distract the audience from the rest of the content. I used a microphone as a prop in some images to add to the theme of music. My model is centrally framed within the image, there is a fair bit of head space at the top of the image so i may crop this out. All the poses face towards the camera suggesting the artist is comfortable with themselves and how they are portrayed in the industry. Again, i took the photos using a step ladder to help me gain height and include the whole model in the photograph. There is a direct address with the reader and the model meaning they are attracted to the image and feel 'on a par' with the artist.Every image shows the model smiling which connotes she is very happy with where she is in life and loving every minute of it, this appeals to the audience and creates a narcissistic relationship between them and the model.

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