43221 Darlington, Queen Elizabeth

43221 Darlington, Queen Elizabeth

Thursday 3 February 2011

Organizing Models

Name: Ashleigh Jones  
Shoot: medium or long shot for front cover and small close up on contents page.
Location: Photography studio.
Why i have chosen this model: I think Ashleigh will be well suited to a front cover model, she is very versatile and has stunning features that will attract and appeal to the audience of my magazine.

Name: Stephanie Hoare
Shoot: Main image on contents page: long shot with microphone prop.
Location: Photography studio.
Why i have chosen this model: Stephanie is also a very versatile model who is willing to be used on the contents page.

Name: Bradley Moss
Shoot: Various images on double page spread and a small close up to be used on the contents page.
Location: Outdoor, against a brick wall.
Why i have chosen this model: Bradley has the fashion sense that would appeal to the readers of my magazine, therefore i think he will be a good model that will help my magazine sell in the shops.

Name: Liam Collins
Shoot: Various shots for the double page spread and a small close up on the contents page.
Location: Outdoor, against a brick wall.
Why i have chosen this model: Liam also has the appropriate dress sense that fits with the genre of my magazine, therefore i think he could represent my magazine well.
The date of all my photoshoot will take place on Tuesday 15th and Wednesday 16th February.

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