43221 Darlington, Queen Elizabeth

43221 Darlington, Queen Elizabeth

Friday 18 February 2011

Contents Page Draft

 I designed my contents page on InDesign, i started with the logo and page title and a rectangle box the for the chart.
I used a range of font sizes and colours in the box to attract the attention and follow the house style of the magazine.

I used the rectangle frame box to add the image onto the page and resized it until it looked suitable.

I made two more frame boxes for the smaller images.

I added page numbers to the images in a large font and a brief title to the main image.

Using the text tool i added headers to the content of the magazine and increased the weight of the border to make them stand out

I added another small picture in a gap on the centre of the page and flipped the image so the page number could be seen clearer

I started to add the title and brief description of the articles under the appropriate header.

I filled in the gaps of the article content and added the logo and page number it the bottom corner of the page.

I am quite impressed with my rough cut contents page, however i think i may change the layout slightly when i make my final piece, i might also add lines to separate the two columns of text and make them look more clear. I think the background colour of the rectangle box is too dark for the rest of the page so i will make it a lighter grey than it already is. There is also a border around the main logo which i will need to remove. The title of the page looks quite boring so i may need to add something relevant to the background to make it look more interesting. Compared to other music magazines i think there isnt enough content, if make the text smaller i will be able to add more articles to make my magazine look better value for money.

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