43221 Darlington, Queen Elizabeth

43221 Darlington, Queen Elizabeth

Monday, 7 February 2011

Production Schedule

The week beginning 7th February i am starting to make a rough cut of my magazine, the deadline for this is Wednesday 2nd March. Therefore i must organize my time and stick to the following deadlines:

Article planning: 7th February
-research into article content
-research into language that attracts the target audience
-think about the setting of my interview
-what is the aim for my article to achieve?

First Draft: 9th February
-write the interview
-include a 'kicker paragraph' to set the mood of the interview

Photography: 11th February
-photograph my models either on location or in the photography studio
-ensure the props and costumes are what i need
-appropriately style the models: hair and make up

Front cover construction: 15th February
-download all the fonts i need
-select the image to use
-think about the content: sell lines, sky lines, puffs etc

Contents construction:17th February
-download the fonts
-think about content needed
-plan the layout

DPS construction: 19th February
-download the fonts
-plan the layout
-make sure the content fits the columns - not too over/under crowded

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